Fish recipes, discover the best flavors of the sea

Rice with cod and artichokes, grandmother's recipe

Rice with cod and artichokes, grandmother's recipe

In this recipe, we will guide you step by step through the preparation of rice with cod and artichokes, detailing the ingredients and the process.


  • 300 grams of desalted cod
  • 2 artichokes
  • 300 grams of bomba rice
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1.5 liters of fish broth or fumet
  • 1/2 cup of crushed tomato
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • Powdered saffron (a pinch)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook rice with cod and artichokes, grandmother's recipe

  1. I like to use desalted cod but if what we have is salted cod first, we must fill a container with cold water and put the dried cod in, leaving it to soak for 24 hours. We must change the water several times to get rid of excess salt. Once desalted, we drain it and carefully remove the bones and skin. We parade it with our hands or with a fork to leave it in small pieces. We reserve.
  2. Cut the onion in Brunoise. We wash the green and red pepper, opening them to remove the seeds inside. We pass them some water and cut them into strips.
  3. As for the artichokes, we peel them until we reach the most tender leaves. We cut them into quarters and put them in a bowl with water and a few drops of lemon to prevent oxidation. We booked these too.
  4. Now, in a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. We add the chopped onion to the Brunoise and the pepper (green and red) cut into strips. We fry it until the onion is transparent and tender. Add the crushed tomato
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Meatballs with cuttlefish and peas

Meatballs with cuttlefish and peas

Are you looking for a sea and mountain recipe? Come in and learn how to prepare this exquisite dish of meatballs with cuttlefish and peas. We teach you step by step.


  • 200 grams of minced pork
  • 350 grams of minced beef
  • 500 grams of peas
  • 5 medium ripe tomatoes
  • 50 grams of country bread (1 slice)
  • 500 grams of fresh cuttlefish
  • Flour
  • Milk
  • 1 egg
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Chicken broth or water
  • Fresh parsley
  • Black pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • 12 toasted almonds
  • Fresh parsley
  • a few strands of saffron
  • 2 garlic cloves

How to cook meatballs with cuttlefish and peas

  1. The first step is to soak the slice of country bread with milk until it is very wet. We make a paste and put it in a bowl. Chop 2 of the garlic and set aside.
  2. In the bowl where we have left the bread soaked, add the 200 grams of minced pork and 200 grams of minced beef. We also add the chopped garlic, parsley, a little black pepper and a pinch of salt. We also add the egg and mix the entire dough with a fork until everything is mixed.
  3. Now it's time to make the balls. In a plate we put the flour, we take a little of the meatball dough and we try to make as spherical a shape as possible. We coat them with flour and reserve them in the same plate. We must repeat the process until there is no more meat left.
  4. We take a frying pan, add plenty of oil and let it heat up. We add the meatballs and fry them on both sides. As they are done, we take them out and place them on a plate with absorbent paper. The next step is to prepare the stew with the cuttlefish and peas.
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Chickpeas with cod, grandmother's recipe

Chickpeas with cod, grandmother's recipe

Do you want to learn how to cook a chickpea dish with cod? Enter and discover the best tricks to prepare this delicious recipe. We tell you step by step.


  • 500 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 300 grams of desalted cod
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 small spoonful of flour

How to cook chickpeas with cod, grandmother's recipe

  1. We peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. We repeat the same process with the garlic clove.
  2. Once we have the onion and garlic well cut, we take a saucepan and add a little extra virgin olive oil. Let's let it warm up.
  3. Once the oil is hot, add the onion and garlic and let it cook over low heat until the vegetables begin to brown a little.
  4. While they are browning we can grate the tomato. We cut it in half and grate it with the typical cheese grater. We keep in a bowl.
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Tuna filled Eggplants

Tuna filled Eggplants

You will love this simple recipe for eggplant stuffed with tuna. It is a very healthy recipe that has an incredible flavor. Put a little cheese on top to give it the final touch and enjoy!


  • 2 eggplants
  • 2 cans of tuna
  • 2 green peppers
  • 2 red peppers
  • 2 onions
  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • grated cheese to gratin
  • Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook tuna filled eggplants

  1. The first step is to preheat the oven to 180ºC where we will put the eggplants cut in half for 30 minutes so that the pulp softens and it is easier to remove the meat from inside the eggplants. Some people prefer to leave them in boiling salted water. We believe that it is much better to do this step in the oven.
  2. While the eggplants are in the oven, cut the onion into julienne strips. We open the peppers, remove the seeds and cut them into strips.
  3. When the eggplant is soft, we take it out of the oven and remove the pulp, being careful not to break the skin since we will need it to fill the eggplants.
  4. We put a splash of oil in a frying pan and add the onion. We wait a few minutes for it to start to brown.
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Baked Salmon With Vegetables

Baked Salmon With Vegetables

There are many ways to prepare salmon. Today we bring you this recipe for salmon with baked vegetables. This food will provide you with a lot of omega-3 and many nutrients. What are you waiting for to try it?


  • 1kg salmon
  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 leek
  • 2 red peppers
  • White wine or lemon juice
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How to cook baked salmon with vegetables

  1. We start by peeling and cutting the vegetables. Cut the onion and leek into julienne strips.
  2. Cut the carrots and zucchini into slices. We also cut the potatoes into not very thin slices.
  3. Finally we cut the red peppers into strips.
  4. Before continuing and to save time in the kitchen, preheat to 200ºC.
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Grilled cod with beans

Grilled cod with beans

Prepare this delicious recipe for cod a la llauna with beans and surprise your guests. It is very easy to cook and the results are amazing. They will lick their fingers!


  • 4 cod fillets
  • 500 grams of white beans
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Wheat flour
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • sweet paprika
  • Olive oil
  • Parsley
  • Salt

How to cook grilled cod with beans

  1. The first step is to desalt the cod if we have purchased it without desalting. In a container in water we leave the 4 cod fillets that we will use for the recipe and let it rest for 48 hours. It is important to change the water every 8 hours approximately.
  2. The next step is to soak the beans (the night before) if we haven't bought them cooked.
  3. Once we have the desalted cod and the beans have been soaking for one night, we drain and cook the beans over low heat for 45 minutes.
  4. While the beans are cooking, coat the cod fillets with the wheat flour.
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fish stew

fish stew

Learn step by step how to cook this traditional Catalan recipe, fish and seafood suquet. Surprise your friends and family with this delicious dish!


  • 200 grams of mussels
  • 1 squid
  • 2 pieces of hake
  • 2 pieces of monkfish
  • 8 shrimp
  • 1 liter of fish broth or water
  • 4 crayfish
  • 2 green peppers
  • 2 red peppers
  • 1 large onion
  • 250 clams
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 very ripe tomatoes
  • parsley leaves
  • Bread sticks
  • Toasted almonds
  • Olive oil
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Ground pepper
  • Salt

How to cook fish stew

  1. We start by cutting the different vegetables. We cut the red and green peppers in half, pour water inside them and remove the seeds. We cut into small pieces.
  2. Chop the garlic and cut the onion into julienne strips. Peel and grate the ripe tomatoes. We reserve.
  3. Peel and cut the potatoes into medium pieces or slices. We save the pieces to use later.
  4. Wash the monkfish and hake pieces. Cut the squid into cubes.
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Cod with sanfaina

Cod with sanfaina

We teach you how to prepare this traditional cod with sanfaina recipe step by step. You just need some vegetables, cod and follow our instructions and you will make an exquisite dish.


  • 8 pieces of desalted cod
  • 2 onions
  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 zucchini
  • 2 green peppers
  • 1 red pepper
  • 6 ripe tomatoes
  • Flour
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook cod with sanfaina

  1. To prepare the sanfaina, peel the onions and chop them into small pieces.
  2. Next we take the green and red peppers, open them, pour water inside and remove the seeds inside. We cut into small pieces and reserve.
  3. Wash the zucchini and aubergine and cut them into as small cubes as possible.
  4. We take the tomatoes, cut them in half and grate them in a bowl. We keep the bowl with the grated tomato.
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Baked sea bass with white wine

Baked sea bass with white wine

Are you looking for an easy baked fish recipe? Learn how to prepare an exquisite baked sea bass dish. We explain the steps and ingredients to you step by step.


  • 2 medium-sized sea bass
  • 3 large or 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 tomato (optional)
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Olive oil

How to cook baked sea bass with white wine

  1. An important part of this dish is choosing fresh sea bass. Be sure to catch whole sea bass without guts or scales. If possible, check that it does not have cuts to prevent it from drying out a lot during the cooking of the fish.
  2. We start by cutting the potatoes into not very thick slices (less than 1 cm) to prevent them from being raw inside. We also cut the onions into strips or rings (whichever you like best). At this point we preheat the oven to a temperature of approximately 200ºC.
  3. If you decide to add tomatoes to the baked sea bass recipe, wash them and cut them into small pieces. If you don't want to add tomatoes you can skip this step.
  4. We take a tray suitable for oven and add a little oil. It is advisable to spread it throughout the tray using a brush or a little kitchen paper.
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Baby squid with onions Grandma's recipe

Baby squid with onions Grandma's recipe

Do you want to learn how to prepare exquisite squid with onions and white wine? Come in and discover how to prepare this traditional dish.


  • 800 grams of clean squid
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 red pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 4 bay leaves
  • sweet paprika
  • Salt
  • Olive oil

How to cook baby squid with onions grandma's recipe

  1. The first step is to clean the squid well. We can ask them to do it at the fishmonger or we can also do it ourselves. We pass some water and separate the tentacles from the body. We remove the head from the tentacles. We turn the body of the squid inside out as if it were a sock. We make sure there are no remains of the exoskeleton, we pour plenty of cold water and set aside.
  2. Once the squid is clean, we can prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion into julienne strips and chop the garlic into small pieces. We wash the pepper, open it and also run water inside to remove the seeds. We cut the pepper into strips.
  3. In a saucepan we add plenty of oil and let it heat up. While it is heating, add the bay leaves and once the oil is hot, add the onion, garlic and red pepper.
  4. Let cook for about 5-10 minutes over medium heat. Once the vegetables begin to cook, we also add the pieces of squid. Stir to integrate all the ingredients well.
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Grandma's fish and seafood zarzuela, the traditional Catalan recipe that will surprise you

Grandma's fish and seafood zarzuela, the traditional Catalan recipe that will surprise you

Discover the delicious fish and seafood zarzuela with its combination of Mediterranean flavors. We teach you step by step and the ingredients you need.


  • 1 kg of various fish (hake, monkfish, sea bass, etc.)
  • 500 grams of assorted seafood (clams, mussels, shrimp, etc.)
  • 1 large squid
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 green peppers
  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 glass of fish broth
  • 1/2 cup of white wine
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Paprika (optional)
  • 2 bay leaves

How to cook grandma's fish and seafood zarzuela, the traditional catalan recipe that will surprise you

  1. The first step is to clean the seafood and fish well to avoid any type of impurity.
  2. We also clean the squid and cut it into rings or strips. This depends on each person's taste.
  3. Now it's time to cut the fish. You can use the type you like best. I normally prepare zarzuela with hake and monkfish. I always take advice from the fishmonger or fishmonger and choose the freshest that day.
  4. Now it's time to prepare the vegetables. Peel and chop the garlic and onion into small pieces.
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Fish soup, grandmother's recipe to the poor

Fish soup, grandmother's recipe to the poor

Do you want to learn how to prepare a delicious fish soup? We teach you step by step how to prepare this dish to warm you up on the coldest days of the year.


  • 16 prawns
  • 600 grams of different types of fish (monkfish, hake, cod...)
  • 250 grams of clams
  • 1 celery
  • 1 leek
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Olive oil

How to cook fish soup, grandmother's recipe to the poor

  1. The first step is to let the clams rest in a saucepan with cold water.
  2. Meanwhile, we will peel and cut the vegetables. We wash the leek and celery and cut it into small pieces. We reserve.
  3. Cut the onion into brunoise and crush the 2 cloves of garlic into small pieces.
  4. We peel the prawns over a saucepan to save the juice they extract and give more flavor to our fish soup. We reserve the exoskeleton of the prawns.
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Sea bream in air fryer, healthy and juicy fish recipe

Sea bream in air fryer, healthy and juicy fish recipe

Discover the secret to juicy sea bream in the air fryer with a minimal touch of oil. A healthy and tasty recipe that avoids unnecessary calories.


  • 2 fresh sea bream fillets
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder or 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Vera sweet paprika
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried thyme
  • Lemon slices (to decorate)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook sea bream in air fryer, healthy and juicy fish recipe

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 200 degrees Celsius (390 degrees Fahrenheit) for a few minutes.
  2. We wash the sea bream fillets under cold water and dry them with absorbent paper.
  3. In a separate container, mix the olive oil, salt, black pepper, garlic powder, sweet paprika and dried thyme. If we don't have garlic powder we can use 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped.
  4. Spread this seasoning mixture on both sides of the sea bream fillets, making sure to cover them completely.
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Squid in air fryer

Squid in air fryer

Enjoy crispy, oil-free squid with this air fryer squid recipe. A healthy and tasty option for your palate!


  • 500 g of squid rings (clean squid and cut into rings)
  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • Oil
  • Salt

How to cook squid in air fryer

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 200 degrees Celsius (390 degrees Fahrenheit) for a few minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, we wash the squid rings and drain them well.
  3. In a separate container, add the wheat flour and a little salt. We mix.
  4. Dip the squid rings in the flour mixture, making sure to cover them completely.
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Tender grilled cuttlefish with garlic and parsley

Tender grilled cuttlefish with garlic and parsley

Delicious and tender dish: Grilled cuttlefish with garlic and parsley. Discover how to prepare this exquisite recipe at home. Guaranteed flavor!


  • 1 large cuttlefish (800 grams)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • Half lemon
  • White wine for cooking
  • 100 milliliters of olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook tender grilled cuttlefish with garlic and parsley

  1. We clean the cuttlefish under cold water to remove any residue.
  2. We remove the head, tentacles and viscera. If you prefer, you can ask your fishmonger to do this for you.
  3. With a sharp knife, cut the cuttlefish in half and then dice it. It is recommended that we remove excess water from the cuttlefish using absorbent kitchen paper.
  4. Now it's time to prepare the garlic and parsley. Peel and chop the 3 cloves of garlic into small pieces. We remove the leaves from the parsley branches and chop them as well.
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Pickled or pickled sardines, discover this traditional grandmother's recipe

Pickled or pickled sardines, discover this traditional grandmother's recipe

Discover this recipe for pickled sardines, a fusion of traditional flavors and marine freshness. Perfect for lovers of Mediterranean cuisine.


  • 800 grams of large sardines
  • Flour
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 100 milliliters of sherry vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • pepper to taste

How to cook pickled or pickled sardines, discover this traditional grandmother's recipe

  1. Let's start with the sardines. We clean them well and dry them with kitchen paper. Season with salt and pepper and lightly coat in flour, shaking off the excess.
  2. Heat a frying pan with olive oil over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, add the sardines and fry them until golden and crispy. We remove them and place them on kitchen paper to eliminate excess oil. We reserve them.
  3. In the same pan, add more oil if necessary. We add the whole head of garlic and the bay leaves. Sauté for a few minutes until the garlic begins to brown and the bay leaves give off their aromas.
  4. We add the sprig of thyme and the sweet paprika. We stir it well so that the spices mix.
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Seafood hake with potatoes, grandma's Basque recipe

Seafood hake with potatoes, grandma's Basque recipe

Enjoy seafood-style hake with potatoes with our grandmother's recipe. A traditional dish, delicious and easy to prepare.


  • 4 hake fillets
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 200 ml fish broth
  • 200 ml white wine
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • Olive oil
  • Black pepper
  • Salt

How to cook seafood hake with potatoes, grandma's basque recipe

  1. First, we wash and peel the potatoes, cutting them into thick slices, and lightly flour the hake fillets to give them a pleasant texture.
  2. Next, in a large frying pan with olive oil, fry the potatoes until tender and set them aside.
  3. In the same pan, brown the hake on both sides and reserve it with the potatoes.
  4. To prepare the marinara sauce, chop the onion and garlic cloves and, in the same pan, sauté the vegetables until they are tender.
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Hake in green sauce and clams, Grandma's recipe

Hake in green sauce and clams, Grandma's recipe

Delicious fresh hake with green sauce: a traditional dish of Basque cuisine. We explain the step by step and all the ingredients you need.


  • 4 fresh hake fillets
  • Flour
  • 240 ml fish broth
  • 60 ml white wine
  • 30 grams of fresh parsley
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 200 grams of clams
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How to cook hake in green sauce and clams, grandma's recipe

  1. We carefully wash and dry the hake fillets with absorbent paper.
  2. Season both sides of the fillets with salt and pepper to season them to taste. We chop the garlic.
  3. In a large skillet, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the chopped garlic cloves and cook over medium heat until fragrant, avoiding burning.
  4. Add the flour to the pan and cook for a minute, stirring constantly to form a light roux.
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Grilled hake with lemon

Grilled hake with lemon

Discover how to prepare grilled hake with lemon in this easy recipe. Enjoy fresh and healthy flavors on your table.


  • 4 fresh hake fillets
  • 4 lemons
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • chopped fresh parsley
  • pepper to taste
  • Salt

How to cook grilled hake with lemon

  1. Prepare the ingredients by gently washing and drying the hake fillets and cutting the lemons into thin slices.
  2. Squeeze lemon into a container and add a little salt and pepper to taste. Marinate the hake fillets with this mixture and let it rest for about 15-20 minutes so that it takes on the flavors.
  3. Heat a nonstick griddle over medium-high heat and add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Cook the hake fillets on the hot griddle for about 3-4 minutes on each side. We look for that perfect browning on the outside and that the fish flakes easily with a fork.
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Salted dorada, delicious and easy baked fish recipe

Salted dorada, delicious and easy baked fish recipe

Golden salt cuisine, an easy and quick dish as well as exquisite. We tell you step by step and all the ingredients you need.


  • 2 whole sea breams
  • 2 kg of coarse salt
  • Half cup water

How to cook salted dorada, delicious and easy baked fish recipe

  1. The first step is to preheat the oven to 200ºC with heat up and down.
  2. Next we take a container, add the salt and half a cup of natural water. We mix the salt and water by pinching it with our fingers. The goal is for the salt to be compact.
  3. Once the salt is compacted, we take the oven-safe dish and make a “bed” by pressing the salt against the dish.
  4. We put the 2 sea breams on the bed and cover the rest of the body of the fish. The objective is that they are well buried in salt except for the head (it is important that the eye be seen) and the tail.
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Cod empedrat. White bean salad with cod

Cod empedrat. White bean salad with cod

Do you want to learn how to prepare cod empedrat with white beans? We teach you how to prepare it step by step and all the ingredients you need.


  • 200 grams of desalted cod
  • 400 grams of cooked white beans
  • 1 onion
  • 1 large tomato or 2 medium
  • half red pepper
  • half green pepper
  • 2 eggs
  • black olives
  • Modena vinegar (optional)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook cod empedrat. white bean salad with cod

  1. If the cod you bought is salted, the first step in the recipe will be to desalt it. For this we have two options. We leave the loin in water for 3 days in the refrigerator at about 6ºC - 8ºC to prevent it from fermenting and changing the water every 12 hours. The other option is to first break down the cod and then desalt it in cold water under the tap for 10 minutes.
  2. If we choose to use raw white beans, it is important to soak them for about 8 hours and then cook them over low heat for 2 hours so that they are cooked. If we have bought cooked beans, we drain them to remove the preserving liquid from the jar.
  3. Once we have the desalted cod and the cooked beans, it is time to start the empedrat recipe. We take a bowl and crumble the cod with our fingers into medium-sized pieces.
  4. Add the 400 grams of white beans to the bowl along with the broken cod pieces.
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fried squid

fried squid

Learn how to cook this typical Spanish tapa step by step and enjoy it with your friends and family on a sunny summer day after a morning at the beach.


  • 600 grams of squid
  • 125 grams of corn or chickpea flour
  • 125 grams of wheat flour
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Salt

How to cook fried squid

  1. The first step is to wash the squid to remove any sand that may be inside. It is also important to remove the squid's feather (the exoskeleton part). Separate the tentacles from the head and wash again. If we have chosen large squids then we cut them into pieces. If they are small we leave them whole.
  2. Once well washed, dry them a bit and add a little salt on top. Next we put the two flours in a bowl. We can use chickpea flour that will give it a curious texture. Next we add the baby squid into the bowl with the combined flour.
  3. While we add abundant oil in a frying pan and let it heat over medium heat.
  4. Once the squid are well coated and the oil in the pan is boiling, we pour the squid into the pan to fry them.
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White and hard pickled anchovies

White and hard pickled anchovies

Learn how to prepare anchovies with vinegar, a traditional appetizer that leaves no one indifferent. We teach you all the ingredients and how to make them.


  • 600 grams of medium-sized anchovies
  • 250 ml of white wine vinegar
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Fresh parsley
  • Sweet paprika (optional)
  • A tablespoon of coarse salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil

How to cook white and hard pickled anchovies

  1. The trick with this recipe is to get some good quality fresh anchovies. Buy them at a trusted fishmonger and tell the fishmonger that you want them to make them in vinegar.
  2. If you get the fishmonger to clean your anchovies, much better. If you're not so lucky, it'll be up to you. First of all we clean them with cold water. Next we are taking one by one and we are removing the head and the guts passing the finger with force through the body of the anchovy forcing them to come out.
  3. Once the heads and guts are removed, we run them under the tap, spraying them with cold water. We remove the thorn and place them in a bottom container. We put very cold water and optionally add some ice cubes. This will help remove any remaining dirt from inside the anchovies. We let it rest with cold water for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After this time they will be very clean. We remove the water from the container and put them in the freezer. This step is to ensure that we eliminate the anisakis and any parasites that may be present. It is recommended to keep them in the freezer for about 48 hours. So if you want to prepare anchovies in vinegar as an appetizer for the weekend, remember to do these steps two days before.
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Grandma's recipe cod fritters

Grandma's recipe cod fritters

Do you want to learn how to prepare the best cod fritters? We explain in detail all the steps you must follow and the ingredients you need.


  • 400 grams of desalted cod
  • 2 chives
  • 200 grams of wheat flour
  • 250-300 milliliters of natural water
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon royal yeast
  • Parsley to taste
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook grandma's recipe cod fritters

  1. The first step in cooking cod fritters is to desalt the fish. We let it soak for approximately 48 hours and every 6-5 hours we changed the water. Once this time has passed, we crumble it into small pieces and reserve it in the refrigerator until we make the recipe.
  2. We take a bowl and sift the flour to avoid the formation of lumps. Add the teaspoon of Royal yeast. We remove the ingredients and save.
  3. We take the spring onions, peel them, clean them a little and chop them into very small pieces.
  4. In a frying pan we add a little olive oil and let it heat up. Once hot, add the onion and cook for about 3 minutes over medium heat until transparent. At this point we put the pieces of shredded cod and let it cook over high heat for about a minute. It is important to stir during this time to prevent the cod from sticking to the pan.
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