- Ingredients
- Procedure
- Allergens
Recipe for anchovies in vinegar Grandma's recipe
Whenever I go out with friends to have a cold beer on a terrace in the city, we ask for pickled anchovies to snack on. Can you believe I have never prepared them at home?
Last weekend I had guests for lunch and it occurred to me to prepare a pica pica before cooking the main dish: Meatloaf with cuttlefish . For the appetizer I cooked some delicious steamed mussels and anchovies in vinegar.
I prepared anchovies in vinegar for the first time in my life. It is true that it's a simple recipe since it simply consists of washing the anchovies well and letting them marinate. The important thing is that they are very fresh and of quality.
However, should start preparing about 2-3 days before since they must be frozen to eliminate any parasites that the anchovies may have. So now you know, if you have never prepared this appetizer, stay. We will teach you all the ingredients and how to make them step by step.
This This is the recipe my grandmother used to make years ago. . I recovered it from a notebook where I had written it down. I hope you like it!
Don't you have any ingredients? Here are other similar recipes
How to make white and hard pickled anchovies
- The trick with this recipe is to get some good quality fresh anchovies. Buy them at a trusted fishmonger and tell the fishmonger that you want them to make them in vinegar.
- If you get the fishmonger to clean your anchovies, much better. If you're not so lucky, it'll be up to you. First of all we clean them with cold water. Next we are taking one by one and we are removing the head and the guts passing the finger with force through the body of the anchovy forcing them to come out.
- Once the heads and guts are removed, we run them under the tap, spraying them with cold water. We remove the thorn and place them in a bottom container. We put very cold water and optionally add some ice cubes. This will help remove any remaining dirt from inside the anchovies. We let it rest with cold water for 15-20 minutes.
- After this time they will be very clean. We remove the water from the container and put them in the freezer. This step is to ensure that we eliminate the anisakis and any parasites that may be present. It is recommended to keep them in the freezer for about 48 hours. So if you want to prepare anchovies in vinegar as an appetizer for the weekend, remember to do these steps two days before.
- In a glass we add the 250 ml of white wine vinegar. We can add a little water (about 50 ml) to reduce the acidity of the vinegar. Add coarse salt to the glass and stir everything.
- After 48 hours, we take the anchovies out of the freezer and wait for them to thaw.
- Once thawed, we put them on a plate or bottom container and add the vinegar and salt mixture on top. It is important that they are well impregnated and covered by the mixture. If we see that they are not covered, we add a little more vinegar. We stir by hand a little.
- Now they should rest with the marinade for about 8 hours. The acidity of the vinegar will cook them and make them very tender.
- Before removing them from the marinade, chop the garlic and parsley and mix them. We serve the anchovies on a plate and add the garlic and parsley mixture. We add sweet paprika to taste and pour plenty of olive oil until they are well covered.
- All that's left is to bring them to the table and enjoy a good beer and some delicious anchovies with vinegar. By the way, I like to add some olives on top of the anchovies. But this is already your decision!