Appetizer Recipes

Oven roasted chestnuts

Oven roasted chestnuts

Chestnuts in the oven are the most typical autumn recipe. Learn how to roast chestnuts step by step and enjoy eating them with friends and family.


  • 600 grams of chestnuts
  • Salt

How to cook oven roasted chestnuts

  1. The most important thing in the recipe is choosing the right chestnuts. The skin must be shiny and we must make sure that there are no cuts or holes (there could be worms). Another point to take into account is the size of the chestnuts. They should be similar in size. Otherwise, the cooking time of each of them could vary a lot.
  2. Once we have bought some good chestnuts, we preheat the oven from above and below to about 200 ºC.
  3. While it heats up, we wash and dry each of the chestnuts well. It is important to remove dirt from the skin well.
  4. We make two cross cuts in each of the chestnuts (we can also make a horizontal cut). It is important that it is a clean cut and that it perforates the two skins of the fruit.
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Baked sweet potato

Baked sweet potato

Preparing sweet potatoes is very simple. We teach you step by step how to roast delicious sweet potatoes in the oven so you can start preparing for fall.


  • 2 sweet potatoes

How to cook baked sweet potato

  1. We preheat the oven above and below to about 200ºC.
  2. We wash the sweet potatoes well to remove any dirt they may have. We dry them and with a fork we make little holes to let the steam escape when we roast them in the oven and prevent them from spoiling.
  3. We take baking paper and put it on the tray where we will bake the sweet potatoes. Once the oven is hot, we introduce the tray with the sweet potatoes.
  4. We let it cook for approximately one hour. The exact time will depend on the size of the sweet potato and the type of oven used. We can check the cooking status by sticking a fork or toothpick into it. If it goes in easily it means it's done.
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Baked yucca

Baked yucca

Tasty baked yucca recipe. Cook some cassava chips and accompany your meal with this fabulous and healthy starter.


  • 500 grams of cassava
  • Parsley
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Salt

How to cook baked yucca

  1. The first thing we have to do to prepare this easy recipe is peel the cassava. This tuber is very similar to the potato, so a potato peeler will help us remove the tough skin.
  2. We fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil over high heat. We add a little salt.
  3. While the water starts to boil, we cut the cassava. We will cut it longitudinally, removing the thread inside. Then we cut it into sticks. The typical chip shape.
  4. When we see that the water is already boiling, we add the cut cassava to the water and wait 15-20 minutes for it to soften.
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fried squid

fried squid

Learn how to cook this typical Spanish tapa step by step and enjoy it with your friends and family on a sunny summer day after a morning at the beach.


  • 600 grams of squid
  • 125 grams of corn or chickpea flour
  • 125 grams of wheat flour
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Salt

How to cook fried squid

  1. The first step is to wash the squid to remove any sand that may be inside. It is also important to remove the squid's feather (the exoskeleton part). Separate the tentacles from the head and wash again. If we have chosen large squids then we cut them into pieces. If they are small we leave them whole.
  2. Once well washed, dry them a bit and add a little salt on top. Next we put the two flours in a bowl. We can use chickpea flour that will give it a curious texture. Next we add the baby squid into the bowl with the combined flour.
  3. While we add abundant oil in a frying pan and let it heat over medium heat.
  4. Once the squid are well coated and the oil in the pan is boiling, we pour the squid into the pan to fry them.
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Fried yucca

Fried yucca

Learn how to cook this easy fried yuca recipe and accompany it with a tasty sauce prepared with garlic and cilantro. Prepare it as a starter or to accompany the main course of the meal.


  • 2 large yuccas
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook fried yucca

  1. The first step in this recipe is to remove the skin from the cassava. If you bought it fresh, continue reading. If you bought them frozen you can skip the following steps until we put it in the pot to soften it.
  2. To remove the skin from this tuber, we recommend using a good peeler since it has a fairly hard skin and it is important to remove it completely since you can obtain some slightly toxic components.
  3. Cut the cassava in half and put water in a pot over high heat until it boils.
  4. Once the water is boiling, add the cassava pieces to the water and let it cook for 20-25 minutes over medium heat. The objective of this raisin is to soften the cassava pieces.
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Homemade Mexican Guacamole

Homemade Mexican Guacamole

Do you want to prepare the best guacamole sauce? We tell you step by step the entire procedure to prepare the best homemade Mexican guacamole.


  • 4 ripe avocados
  • 1 large tomato or 2 small ones
  • 1 onion or 1 chive
  • Fresh coriander leaves (1 tablespoon)
  • 1 lime
  • Green pepper (optional)
  • Serrano pepper or jalapenos (optional)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook homemade mexican guacamole

  1. Peel the avocados, cut horizontally and move one of the halves. We will see how said half separates from the other. We remove the stone from the avocado and remove the pulp from the fruit with a spoon, putting it in a plastic or wooden container to crush. We reserve.
  2. We wash the tomatoes, peel them and cut them into small pieces. We save.
  3. Peel and chop the onion finely. If we decide to add green pepper to our Mexican guacamole recipe, we open it, wash it with plenty of water, remove the seeds inside and cut it into small pieces.
  4. With the help of a fork, preferably wooden or plastic, we begin to mash the avocado. If they were ripe, this procedure will be much easier.
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Pico de gallo

Pico de gallo

We show you step by step how to prepare one of the most famous Mexican sauces: pico de gallo. Ingredients, preparation and other variants of the recipe.


  • 2 red peppers
  • 2 green peppers
  • 3 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 tablespoon fresh coriander leaves
  • 1 lime
  • Serrano peppers or jalapenos
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook pico de gallo

  1. Cut the red and green peppers in half. We remove the seeds from the inside, wash and cut into small squares. We reserve.
  2. We wash and cut the tomatoes into small pieces. If the skin is not very thick, it is not necessary to peel them. We save the pieces.
  3. Peel and chop the onion into small pieces, similar to tomato and pepper pieces.
  4. Finely chop the fresh coriander leaves and cut the lime into two halves.
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White and hard pickled anchovies

White and hard pickled anchovies

Learn how to prepare anchovies with vinegar, a traditional appetizer that leaves no one indifferent. We teach you all the ingredients and how to make them.


  • 600 grams of medium-sized anchovies
  • 250 ml of white wine vinegar
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Fresh parsley
  • Sweet paprika (optional)
  • A tablespoon of coarse salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil

How to cook white and hard pickled anchovies

  1. The trick with this recipe is to get some good quality fresh anchovies. Buy them at a trusted fishmonger and tell the fishmonger that you want them to make them in vinegar.
  2. If you get the fishmonger to clean your anchovies, much better. If you're not so lucky, it'll be up to you. First of all we clean them with cold water. Next we are taking one by one and we are removing the head and the guts passing the finger with force through the body of the anchovy forcing them to come out.
  3. Once the heads and guts are removed, we run them under the tap, spraying them with cold water. We remove the thorn and place them in a bottom container. We put very cold water and optionally add some ice cubes. This will help remove any remaining dirt from inside the anchovies. We let it rest with cold water for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After this time they will be very clean. We remove the water from the container and put them in the freezer. This step is to ensure that we eliminate the anisakis and any parasites that may be present. It is recommended to keep them in the freezer for about 48 hours. So if you want to prepare anchovies in vinegar as an appetizer for the weekend, remember to do these steps two days before.
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Grandma's recipe cod fritters

Grandma's recipe cod fritters

Do you want to learn how to prepare the best cod fritters? We explain in detail all the steps you must follow and the ingredients you need.


  • 400 grams of desalted cod
  • 2 chives
  • 200 grams of wheat flour
  • 250-300 milliliters of natural water
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon royal yeast
  • Parsley to taste
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook grandma's recipe cod fritters

  1. The first step in cooking cod fritters is to desalt the fish. We let it soak for approximately 48 hours and every 6-5 hours we changed the water. Once this time has passed, we crumble it into small pieces and reserve it in the refrigerator until we make the recipe.
  2. We take a bowl and sift the flour to avoid the formation of lumps. Add the teaspoon of Royal yeast. We remove the ingredients and save.
  3. We take the spring onions, peel them, clean them a little and chop them into very small pieces.
  4. In a frying pan we add a little olive oil and let it heat up. Once hot, add the onion and cook for about 3 minutes over medium heat until transparent. At this point we put the pieces of shredded cod and let it cook over high heat for about a minute. It is important to stir during this time to prevent the cod from sticking to the pan.
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Grilled chanterelles or Rovellons

Grilled chanterelles or Rovellons

Learn how to cook this simple dish of grilled chanterelles with garlic and parsley. We explain the step by step and all the ingredients you need.


  • Half a kilo of chanterelles
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Parsley
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook grilled chanterelles or rovellons

  1. The first step is to remove the unsightly parts of the chanterelles. We can remove them one by one using a knife. It is also advisable to remove the hardest parts of the mushroom cut.
  2. We wash the rovellons a little to remove any impurities they may have. It is important not to wash them for a long time, since they can lose their flavor a bit.
  3. Take the garlic cloves and chop them into small pieces. We do the same with the parsley. We reserve.
  4. Take a non-stick frying pan, add a little oil and let it heat up.
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Chistorra with white wine

Chistorra with white wine

Enjoy delicious Chistorras in white wine with this easy recipe. Intense flavors in every bite. Surprise your guests!


  • 250 grams of chistorra
  • 100 milliliters of white wine for cooking
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Olive oil

How to cook chistorra with white wine

  1. The first step is to cut the chistorra into smaller pieces to make it easier to eat.
  2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a little olive oil.
  3. When the oil is hot, place the chistorras in the pan and cook them for a few minutes until they are lightly browned on all sides.
  4. Add the 150 milliliters of white wine to the pan with the aim of partially covering the chistorras so that they take on the flavor of the wine.
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Artichokes in air fryer or airfryer

Artichokes in air fryer or airfryer

Enjoy delicious artichokes in the air fryer. Crispy and healthy snack to delight your senses. Easy and quick recipe with your airfryer.


  • 250 grams of fresh or frozen artichokes
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley
  • Black pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt

How to cook artichokes in air fryer or airfryer

  1. Preparation of the artichokes: We begin our process by washing the artichokes well. Then, we cut the stem and remove the toughest outer leaves. We made sure to cut off about a third of the top of the artichoke to expose the heart.
  2. Preparation of the marinade: In a small bowl, combine the juice of the two lemons, the olive oil, the finely chopped garlic, the parsley (also chopped), the salt and the pepper. We mix well until we get a uniform marinade.
  3. Marinating the artichokes: Opening the leaves of our artichokes a little, we pour the marinade over them. We make sure that the marinade penetrates well into the leaves. We let the artichokes rest for about 15 minutes to absorb the flavors.
  4. Cooked in the air fryer: We place our artichokes in the air fryer, leaves side down. We set the air fryer to 180 degrees Celsius and cook them for about 20 minutes, or until golden and crispy.
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