pumpkin cream with parmesan cheese

The best recipe for pumpkin cream with Parmesan

Pumpkin cream is very popular for containing highly healthy foods as well as an exquisite flavor. Today we bring a variant that gives it a very particular touch that will make you lick your fingers. This recipe for pumpkin cream with Parmesan is very simple and quick to make. Perfect for those days when you don't feel like cooking much. Try it, you will never regret it!

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Step-by-step pumpkin and parmesan cream recipe

  1. Clean the pumpkin by removing the skin and the central part (where the threads and seeds are located) and cut it into small cubes.
  2. Melt the butter in a pot. When the butter is melted add the pumpkin and a little salt and black pepper.
  3. Cover the pot and keep stirring without letting the pumpkin darken. In 5 minutes, add the broth to cover, bring to a boil and lower the heat so that the pumpkin simmers for about 20 minutes.
  4. Cut the parmesan cheese and add it to the pot. Continue cooking for 10 more minutes. Blend well with a blender to obtain a creamy texture. If it is very thick, it can be made a little more liquid by adding a little broth or water.
  5. Serve with some basil or parsley leaves. You can also add some croutons or croutons of fried bread
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Ruben Canadas

I started cosmorecipes in 2020 during the time we were cooped up at home. Having so much free time I spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying different dishes. So I decided to mix cooking with my other great passion: web programming. That's why I decided to open this blog where I post the different recipes that I'm cooking.

This recipe may contain the following allergens: