beet gazpacho recipe

Beet gazpacho recipe

If you like to eat salads or cold soups in the hot summer months then you have to try this beetroot gazpacho recipe , a variant of the traditional Andalusian gazpacho with a sweet touch that you will surely love.

It is a very simple dish to prepare. You only need a few vegetables that you surely have in your fridge and the main ingredient, beets. You can buy it raw or already cooked. If you choose the first option, you have to add an extra 40 minutes to the recipe time to cook the beetroot.

Once we have the ingredients prepared, we simply grind and add a little vinegar, oil and salt. Let cool and we can now enjoy an exquisite and refreshing cold soup with a multitude of benefits and properties .

If you like this recipe you can't miss the Andalusian gazpacho dish, the Cordoban salmorejo, the strawberry gazpacho either the watermelon gazpacho .

If you don't know how salmorejo differs from gazpacho, you can read our article on the aspects in which gazpacho and salmorejo differ .

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How to make beetroot gazpacho

  1. If we have chosen raw beets, the first step is to cook them. We cut the stem of the beet and put the pieces in a saucepan or pot with water. Let cook for about 40 minutes. To check if they are done we can prick them with a cutlery.
  2. We wash the tomatoes with plenty of water and cut them into pieces. If the skin of the tomato is thin, there is no need to peel them.
  3. Peel the cucumber and cut it into cubes. We reserve.
  4. We open the pepper in half, remove the seeds and wash with water. We cut the pepper into pieces.
  5. Peel and chop the garlic clove. We repeat the process with the half onion. We save.
  6. We cut the cooked beet into quarters and add them to the blender.
  7. We add the rest of the cut vegetables into the blender glass.
  8. We add about 150 ml of water and blend the mixture for 1 minute.
  9. At this point it is advisable to strain the mixture of ingredients. We put it back into the blender glass.
  10. At this point, before starting to blend again, we add a splash of apple cider vinegar and olive oil. We can also add a little salt.
  11. Blend for about 30 seconds until the mixture is very homogeneous. We taste and adjust with salt, oil or vinegar if necessary.
  12. We let it rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour so that the beet gazpacho is very cool.
  13. We serve in the corresponding containers and we can now enjoy a refreshing gazpacho recipe made with tomatoes and beets, perfect to relieve the summer heat. Next we will tell you what garnish you can add to this gazpacho.

Accompaniment for beet and tomato gazpacho

We can accompany this recipe with a little cottage cheese, bread croutons, walnuts and even a little crispy fried onion. We can also add pieces of pepper, beet, pepper or tomato to our gazpacho.

Variants of the beet gazpacho recipe

This is the traditional beet gazpacho recipe. Nevertheless, There are different variants that consist of adding an additional vegetable or fruit .

If we want to give it a sweeter touch we can use watermelon, strawberries or cherries . We simply add a little less tomatoes and add some of these fruits. We blend everything together and we will obtain a sweet and fresh gazpacho.

Also there is the option to add carrots , which provide our body with a large number of benefits.

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Ruben Canadas

I started cosmorecipes in 2020 during the time we were cooped up at home. Having so much free time I spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying different dishes. So I decided to mix cooking with my other great passion: web programming. That's why I decided to open this blog where I post the different recipes that I'm cooking.

This recipe may contain the following allergens: