traditional flour crumb recipe

Homemade flour crumbs recipe

The crumbs is a traditional dish of many towns in Spain where they are eaten during cold and rainy days. There are two basic types of crumbs: flour crumbs and breadcrumbs.

The first ones are made with a special flour designed to make this type of dish. The latter are cooked with the stale bread that has been left over during the week.

In this case, I bring to the cosmorecetas blog flour crumbs recipe , typical of many places in Andalusia. More specifically, this recipe comes from a town in Almería, although other types of migas, such as those from Murcia, are also very similar to these.

Flour crumbs is a recipe for people with cooking experience since both the type of flour, the pan in which it is cooked or the mixing movements are key to obtaining delicious crumbs.

If we fail in any of the mentioned points, we will obtain a huge mass of bread that does not resemble crumbs at all.

Do you dare to try them?

The migas accompaniment is also a very important part of this dish. They can be accompanied with all kinds of fried foods: bacon, peppers, chorizo, black pudding, bacon. In addition, it is also very typical to add fruit such as melon or grapes.

There are no rules!

Accompany it with what you like the most. There are even areas where are prepared with milk and chocolate .

If you like Andalusian dishes you cannot miss our exquisite recipe for lentil stew in the purest Andalusian style .

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How to make flour crumbs

  1. The first step is to wash the pan to remove any dirt. The crumb pan is special for this type of recipes (see photo). This is why it is advisable to use one of this type. We can find them in different physical or online stores.
  2. To wash the pan of crumbs well, put 1.5 liters of water and two tablespoons of salt over medium-high heat.
  3. We take a normal frying pan where we will prepare the accompaniment. We add the 250 ml of oil and leave it on medium-high heat.
  4. We wait for the water in the crumb pan to boil and for the oil to be hot to fry the peppers and bacon.
  5. While the oil is heating, wash and cut the green peppers into strips. We also cut the bacon into slices (pieces).
  6. Once the oil is prepared to fry, add the green pepper strips.
  7. When the peppers are fried, remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon and reserve them on a plate.
  8. In the same pan where we cooked the peppers, add the bacon slices and fry them. We reserve the oil and the bacon pieces.
  9. When the water in the crumb pan is boiling, we can consider that it is free of dirt. Remove the water and reintroduce 1.5 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of salt over medium-high heat. This time it will be to prepare the crumbs. We wait until the water boils.
  10. When the water starts to boil add the durum wheat semolina flour and mix with a skimmer.
  11. Once everything is mixed, we make a hole in the middle and add half of the oil where we have cooked the bacon and peppers.
  12. We mix making enveloping and cutting movements. In the advice section you can see a video on how to perform this movement since it is key to getting good flour crumbs.
  13. During the process we will see how some parts of the flour remain stuck to the bottom of the pan. It is important to scratch well to remove them. These pieces of flour are called pegaos and can also be eaten.
  14. Lower the heat a bit and continue with the enveloping and cutting movements until the crumbs are the size of the photos below.
  15. When we see that they are cooked, we remove them from the fire. The cooking time is relative since there are people who like more toast and others less.
how to make migas step by step

Preparation of the accompaniment to the crumbs

  1. The accompaniment to the crumbs is very varied. We can use anything from bacon, chorizo, fried fish or cod to fruit like melon or grapes. We have chosen peppers, bacon, chorizo, tomato and cucumber.
  2. We have already prepared the pepper and bacon since we needed their oil to prepare the crumbs.
  3. Cut the chorizo ​​into slices and put it in a pan with hot olive oil. We let it fry.
  4. While we wash the tomatoes and cut them into quarters. We add a little oil and salt.
  5. We peel the peppers and cut them into strips. We pour a little oil and salt on top.

How to eat flour crumbs in the traditional way

Traditionally the flour crumbs are served directly from the pan in which it has been cooked. It is left in the middle of the table and the diners sit around it.

The accompaniments are served on different plates and each person takes the crumbs from the center with a spoon. Then you take some of the accompaniments and eat everything together.

You can also add the accompaniments directly into the pan, but it is important that you do it right in the place where you take the crumbs to avoid leaving the accompaniment in someone else's place.

Accompaniment of the crumbs

The crumbs can be eaten with a wide variety of foods. Depending on the area and the town, it is more typical to accompany them with one or the other.

Some of the most popular accompaniments in Andalusia are:

Fried pepper, fried herring, fried anchovies, fried bacon, fried chorizo, milk, cod, summer soak, winter soak, grape, melon, tomato, cucumber or chocolate.

Tips for preparing the best flour crumbs

1. The most important thing to prepare delicious migas is the flour used. Not just any type of flour can be used. It has to be a special one designed for the preparation of crumbs. Normally, this flour is durum wheat semolina.

If you don't use this type of flour, the crumbs will stick together forming a bread dough and will not remain in the form of crumbs.

2. Another very important point is the pan used to cook them. It is also a special for crumbs that we can find in different stores both online and physical.

3. For the crumbs to be perfect, the movement we make when cooking them is key. The movements of the squeegee have to be enveloping and sharp. In the following video we show how they should be done.

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Ruben Canadas

I started cosmorecipes in 2020 during the time we were cooped up at home. Having so much free time I spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying different dishes. So I decided to mix cooking with my other great passion: web programming. That's why I decided to open this blog where I post the different recipes that I'm cooking.

This recipe may contain the following allergens: