beef fricandó with mushrooms, a grandmother's recipe to surprise your most demanding guests

Easy beef fricandó recipe

Fricandó is a typical dish of Catalan cuisine that is usually highly appreciated by the most demanding palates. It is a dish that requires time and patience to achieve a spectacular result, but it is worth every minute invested in its preparation. So grab the necessary ingredients and tools, and let's prepare this delicious dish together!

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How to make beef fricandó with grandmother's mushrooms

  1. Season the beef cuts with salt and pepper and lightly flour them. Next, we fry the meat in a saucepan with very hot oil until it is golden brown. When the meat is cooked, remove and reserve for later.
  2. In the same saucepan, sauté the onion, carrot and leek cut into pieces until they are golden brown. We add the peeled and seeded tomato and let it cook for a few minutes.
  3. We add the white wine and let the alcohol evaporate for a few minutes. We add the meat broth, the floured meat and let it cook over low heat for approximately 50-60 minutes.
  4. While the meat is cooking, sauté the mushrooms in a pan with a little oil. We can add a little salt on top.
  5. For the mince, in a mortar we crush the garlic, almonds, hazelnuts, toasted country bread together with the fresh parsley until the entire mixture is well crushed.
  6. We add a little of the cooking juice of the meat to the mince and stir everything well.
  7. We add the mushrooms and the minced meat to the beef casserole and let everything cook together for about 10 more minutes over medium heat.
  8. Adjust with salt and pepper to taste and let the fricandó rest for a few minutes before serving.
  9. All that remains is to serve and enjoy this delicious dish of beef fricandó with mushrooms.
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Ruben Canadas

I started cosmorecipes in 2020 during the time we were cooped up at home. Having so much free time I spent a lot of time in the kitchen trying different dishes. So I decided to mix cooking with my other great passion: web programming. That's why I decided to open this blog where I post the different recipes that I'm cooking.

This recipe may contain the following allergens: